Crosspiece support 587414 664886 made of stainless steel for Gorenje washing machine. Shaft diameters 17/20/25, shaft length 130 mm, bolt 10 mm.
Parameters | |
Diameter of inner bearing | 20 (204) |
Diameter of the outer bearing | 17 (203) |
Move from the shaft axis to the mounting axis to the drum | 239 mm |
Dovzhina Valu | 130 mm |
Diameter of the bushing for the oil seal | 25 mm |
Pulley type | M10 |
Mounting to the drum | M8 3pcs |
Pulley seat height | 19 mm |
Height of the bushing under the oil seal | 16 mm |
Come to models
Gorenje WA62061 301948 349223 WA60089S W74Y2 192453 349204 WA50085 W72Y2 176814 260589 WM-561 WA50085 349222 421169 W64Y2 KWA60089W 157340 188287 WA50050 WA71.06 350023 235433 WA60Z065R WA50065 267617 197189 WA50060 SWA50060 175118 350025 MWA50080 WA60085R 287357 247473 WA60065 WA60089 301854 380242 WA50089 W72X1/R 176220 286416 WA1067 WA60089 350025 246644 WA60Z085R WA50089 260589 233052 GWA755 WD-6600 J 178235 270630 GWA855 WA60065 286415 385589 WA60085 WA6089 160599 296369 WA61051 WA50080 405821 162897 WA60089 SWA50080 431141 163412 WA60089 WA50080 177391 195680 WWH5H0HWW WA50089 192813 411066 WA50089 W72ZY2/R 301856 329723 WA50075 WD-6800 J 291594 304951 WA60065 182415 284451 WA71061 WA50089 199123 399486 WA50065 W62Y1 287551 176816 WA50060 WM-581 396519 309503 KWA60085R KWA50082 233052 195636 WD-6600 J WWH WA50085 286414 255142 WA60065 SWA50080 195634 192420 WA50065 WA50089 157293 284448 SWA50080 W72Y2 RWA60080 399494 198369 W74Y2 WWA50085 160600 380244 WA61061 W72Y2/R 175667 157354 KWA50060 KWA50080 157189 396519 WA50080 WA60085R 137607 350023 WA61062 WA60065R 280405 262270 WA60065R WA50075 180241 267621 KWA50040 WA60065 411044 157342 W72X1/R WA50080 170076 405816 WA50080 W72X2/R 151287 123065 WA62061 WA61061 377016 297116 W72Y2 GWA755 385592 265507 WA6065 WA50080 280402 159286 WA60085R GWA850 159799 157353 WA50060 KWA50060 198932 199270 WA60089 WA50065 177417 255142 WA50050 SWA60080 246644 392721 BWA50089 W72Y2 199283 126911 WA50089 WA1061 123065 462001 WA71061 TEW70787 118663 411066 KWA61061 W72Y2/R 192450 222841 WA60089 WA50085 349203 175672 W62Y1 WA50080 251929 157266 WA50085 WA50080 411044 145895 W72ZX1/R WA61061 399485 392720 W62X1 W72X2 157291 180195 SWA50060 KWA50080 198838 160613 WA50085 WA61061R 157264 199123 WA50060 WA50065 187246 267930 ELBA50080 WA60089 267619 284454 WA60085 WA60089 301860 244103 WA50060 SWA50060 199168 306853 WA50085 WA60055N 182535 251923 KWA50050 WA50065 160634