Plant protection, root former, natural regulator and inducer of flowering, fruit formation and plant disease resistance.
1 ampoule = 1ml ~ 40 drops
To increase germination and survival rate
and disease resistance
Pre-soaking seeds sowing for 2-4 hours
Spraying or soaking bulbs and corms
Acceleration of root formation, rooting
Soaking cuttings
Improving the development of the root system and leaf apparatus.
Increasing resistance to root rot
Potatoes: increased growth,
Increased yield, increased disease resistance
Spraying tubers before planting
Spraying in the phase of full germination, budding - flowering
To stimulate vegetables
Increased early and overall yield.
Increasing resistance to fungi, viral and bacterial diseases.
Increasing drought resistance.
Spraying during the growing season and during budding - flowering phase
Fruit and berry crops: Strengthening growth processes, stimulating flowering and
formation of fruits, reduction of ovarian drops
Increasing resistance to fungal, viral and bacterial diseases.
Decorative flowers and coniferous crops:
Strengthening growth processes, formation of lateral shoots.
Prevention and recovery from sunburn, fungal, viral and
bacterial diseases
Spraying during the growing season at intervals of 15-20 days
For damaged trees